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Lesson Sample

Own Your OWN Marketing

To be successful in business, you need a plan.
To have a plan, you must first have a strategy.
  • Michele and Triston Delcoure

    Michele and Triston Delcoure

    Mom and son duo with over 30 years of combined experience in marketing, design, and advertising. 

Learning Option 1

Video Course


Are you a small business owner or solopreneur struggling to make your mark in the crowded marketplace?

Introducing "DIY Marketing Strategies for Small Business," a transformative online course designed to empower you to take control of your brand, save money, and craft a compelling marketing strategy that propels your business to new heights.

Discover the Power of Owning Your Marketing Journey!

  • Transform from marketing novice to a strategic expert in just 12 hours.
  • Develop a comprehensive marketing plan with clear goals, KPIs, and timelines.
  • Gain insights on evaluating your current marketing efforts and identifying business opportunities.
  • Choose marketing channels backed by data, not guesswork.
  • Define your ideal customer and create a value proposition that resonates.

Learning Option 2

Do It Yourself worksheets

Are you wondering if these worksheets will even help you? I get it! You want us to show you first. Fine. Keep scrolling and check out the first 4 steps. 

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Lesson 1

The worksheet Workbook is broken into 3 lessons. 

Lesson 1 is an introspective of your company. Lesson 2 is evaluating your target audience. Lesson 3 is all about bringing it together in a data-driven plan.

Business woman working

Step 1

Give It To Me Straight

This is probably the most challenging part of this whole framework: asking others to give it to you straight.

As hard as it can be, you must fully understand how others see you. Ask friends, family, clients, past clients, customers, and even people who have told you “no.” - What is [insert your company name here]?

Step 2

What Are Your Marketing Wins?

This is fun! Let’s look at your wins first.

Determine what is working with your marketing. Don’t just go with your gut here. Dig in. Look at the data. What IS working? - not what you think is working.



Step 3

What is Not Working?

Time to be brutally honest with yourself. What IS NOT working?

Recovering from failures and improving is essential to marketing. Experimenting leads to success. Write that down in your notebook in a new section labeled What's Not Working.


Step 4

SWOT Analysis

The SWOT Analysis has been around since the 1960s.

 As a business tool, the SWOT Analysis can be a powerful view into the opportunities you may be missing.
In this step, we will go through your company's strengths, weaknesses, and threats. This is your company as a whole, not just your marketing efforts.

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