Lesson 1


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DIY Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses Workbook

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First Impressions Are everything

The Psychology of Winning author Denis Waitley said, "You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective."
woman-5678997_1280What you might think people feel about your business is different from reality. The hard truth is that their opinion matters more than your intentions. If you cannot convey your company's mission, values, or beliefs clearly and concisely, then your audience will develop their own thoughts and beliefs about your company.
In this provided workbooks, we will not only dive into what you want your company to be seen as but also:
  • What has and has not been working
  • Do you have the right target market
  • What do you do well and not do well
  • How do you show up in the marketplace
  • How does your top competitor show up
 I am excited to see how much you grow over the following three lessons!
Either pull out a notebook or download the individual worksheets down below to fill out the activities. Or better yet, download my workbook that has all 3 lessons with instructions and worksheets for each section.


This is probably the most challenging part of this whole framework: asking others to give it to you straight.
As hard as it can be, you must fully understand how others see you. Ask friends, family, clients, past clients, customers, and even people who have told you “no.” - What is [insert your company name here]?
It sounds so simple, right? And it is, but it will be eye-opening how many people understand your company’s goals. You might find everyone gets it! If so, that is great. We can build on that. If not, don’t sweat it. We will get you there quickly.


This is fun! Let’s look at your wins first.
Determine what is working with your marketing. Don’t just go with your gut here. Dig in. Look at the data. What IS working? - not what you think is working.
{Download Link for Wins with image preview}


Time to be brutally honest with yourself. What IS NOT working?

Recovering from failures and improving is essential to marketing. Experimenting leads to success. Write that down in your notebook in a new section labeled What's Not Working.
{Download Link for what's not working with image preview}

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STRENGTHSThe SWOT Analysis has been around since the 1960s.
Albert S. Humphrey is often credited with popularizing and formalizing the SWOT analysis at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in the United States. Humphrey and his team used the technique as part of a research project aimed at identifying why corporate planning failed in some cases.
As a business tool, the SWOT Analysis can be a powerful view into the opportunities you may be missing.
In this step, we will go through your company's strengths, weaknesses, and threats. This is your company as a whole, not just your marketing efforts.
We will be skipping opportunities for now, but know we will return in lesson 3.
  1. Strengths - Write down everything your company does well.
  2. Weaknesses - Write down what is not in your wheelhouse that you do or don’t do because it’s not a strength for your company.
  3. Threats - Write down what internal or external factors can derail your company.

{Idea: Screenshot Below Section and have it fade out towards the bottom to encourage full download}



In 2014, Gini Dietrich published the book "Spin Sucks." In that book, she outlined a simple way to understand where you show up in the marketplace.
I use her process as one tool in my marketing toolbox to understand where we should expand our marketing efforts.
Spin Sucks will tell you, “When the PESO Model is working at its best, it can help you establish authority. Authority leads to thought leadership. Thought leadership leads to credibility and expertise. Others see you as an expert … even your competitors.
And Google links to you on the first page of results because it also sees you as an expert.”
I love how the PESO Model gives me a complete vision of where you are showing up.
In this step, we are going to run through each section and find where your gaps are in marketing. We will go a bit out of order because, again, OSEP doesn’t sound right! But, paid should be last.
These steps may seem daunting, and you might even ask yourself, is it necessary to do this? But it will be invaluable as we work through your marketing strategy.


Between Paid and Owned media, you will find lead generation.
Examples of Lead Generation:
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Gated Contests
  • Gated Quizzes
In your notebook, list everything you do that would be considered lead generation. If unsure about a media type, check out the other lists to see if the media in question falls somewhere else. If it doesn’t, then you’re probably in the right place.

Distribution and Promotion

Between Owned and Shared media, you will find distribution and promotion.
Examples of Distribution and Promotion:
  • Content Distribution
  • Content Curation
  • Publishing Platforms
In your notebook, list everything you do that would be considered distribution and promotion. If unsure about a media type, check out the other lists to see if the media in question falls somewhere else. If it doesn’t, then you’re probably in the right place.

Partnership and Community

Between Shared and Earned media, you will find Partnerships and Community.
Examples of Partnerships and Community:
  • Charity Tie-Ins
  • Community Service
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  • Co-Branding
  • Community Building
  • Loyalists
  • Advocates
  • Brand Ambassadors
  • User-Generated Content
In your notebook, list everything you do that would be considered partnerships and community. If unsure about a media type, check out the other lists to see if the media in question falls somewhere else. If it doesn’t, then you’re probably in the right place.

Marketing Communication

Between Paid and Earned media, you will find Marketing Communications.
Examples of Marketing Communications:
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Experiential Marketing
  • Event Marketing
In your notebook, list everything you do that would be considered marketing communications. If unsure about a media type, check out the other lists to see if the media in question falls somewhere else. If it doesn’t, then you’re probably in the right place.

Top Competitors

In your notebook, go through the PESO again, but this time, assess your top competitor.
YOU DID IT! That was the end of Lesson 1.

Do you have questions about the lesson?