Small Business Marketing Tips

How do I create a marketing plan for my small business?

Written by Michele Delcoure | Dec 10, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Developing a robust marketing plan is crucial when marketing a small business, serving as a guide to achieve specific objectives. Developing a simple marketing plan for a small business encompasses several vital elements, but we must first create a marketing strategy before diving into a marketing plan. 

How do you create a marketing strategy?

To nail your marketing strategy, you gotta take a comprehensive approach that meshes your marketing objectives with your business goals. This involves getting a grip on your market, figuring out your unique selling points, and positioning yourself in the industry.

To do this, you must:

  • Analyze your business's strengths, weaknesses, and risks, and gauge the worth of your product to your target audience. 
  • Scope out your competitors and snag effective marketing strategies that make your business stand out. Knowing their strengths and weaknesses, you can tailor messages to your audience that differentiate you from your competition and get you in the right marketing channels. 
  • Build buyer personas that define your ideal customer and help you customize your messaging. 
  • Pick strategic marketing channels where your target audience hangs out for maximum engagement. And ensure that you establish a consistent brand voice across all your communication to build brand recognition and loyalty. 

Stick to these steps, and you can create a strategic marketing strategy that will speak to your target audience and give your business the success it deserves.

How do I create a marketing plan for my small business?

To effectively promote a small business, creating a marketing plan that combines strategic analysis, a thorough understanding of the target audience, competitive insights, clear communication, and action-oriented goals is essential. By doing so, businesses can achieve their objectives and succeed in their respective industries.

Step 1: Identify gaps in your current marketing

To implement an effective marketing strategy, it is important to evaluate your business's presence in the PESO model (Paid, Earned, Shared, Owned media) that Gini Dietrich introduced in her book Spin Sucks. This model helps identify gaps in the marketing plan that can hinder visibility and engagement across various media channels.

For instance, if there is an absence in social media engagement, it may mean missing out on shared media space. Similarly, a lack of investment in a paid advertising strategy could lead to an absence in paid media. Ignoring PR efforts may result in the absence from earned media, and neglecting owned media platforms might miss opportunities to showcase the brand.

Understanding these gaps is crucial in developing a comprehensive marketing plan that can help bridge the identified gaps and improve your brand's presence across the media channels.

Step 2: Address Opportunities in Your Business

Investing in weak areas, adapting to threats, exploring growth opportunities, and fostering connections are crucial for business success. Analyze your marketing strategy to identify weaknesses and threats and find ways to address them.

Step 3: Identify where your Ideal Customer Hangouts

Have you ever wondered how businesses can reach their ideal customers on digital platforms like social media, search engines, email, and word-of-mouth? It's all about understanding your customers' preferences and behaviors on these platforms and using that knowledge to strategically position yourself for better visibility. This can help you gain a competitive edge and stand out in the crowded digital space.

Step 4: Assess and Fine-Tune Your Marketing Strategies

To refine marketing activities that align with evolving trends and audience preferences, it is crucial to nurture successful channels, re-evaluate underperforming strategies, and focus on untapped potential with confidence. To do so, you should look at your current marketing channels and determine which to keep, stop, or do more of. 

Step 5: Align Your Ideal Customer Hangouts with Marketing Channels

Identifying where ideal customers spend time and bridging the gap between existing marketing channels and customer hangouts helps expand reach and target the right audience effectively.

Step 6: Streamline Your Action Plan Using the Marketing Hourglass

When trying to improve your customer's journey, using the Marketing Hourglass stages and aligning your channels with each stage is essential. This means setting specific KPIs and implementing strategies within a set timeline. By focusing on strategic analysis, customer understanding, and digital channels, you can create a marketing plan that works for your small business.

In conclusion, building a robust marketing plan is crucial for any small business looking to grow and succeed. By following the step-by-step guide in Marketing Strategies for Small Business, you'll be able to create a DIY marketing strategy that aligns with your goals and budget. Take advantage of this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Download your copy today!