Small Business Marketing Tips

What is a practical example of positioning?

Written by Michele Delcoure | Dec 10, 2023 2:00:00 PM

What is positioning in marketing?

Positioning in marketing for a small business is similar to finding your unique groove at a bustling party. It is about standing out and being remembered. It's the art of creating your space in the customer's mind, being the first option they think of amid a sea of alternatives. Think of it as your brand's distinct personality that makes it shine brighter than the rest. Why is this important? Understanding the core principles of marketing in business in a world filled with numerous choices makes you the memorable dish in a buffet, so you are noticed. Positioning strategy is the secret sauce that makes customers think of you first when they need what you offer, ensuring that you are not just a product but the perfect solution they've been looking for without even realizing it.

What is positioning strategy and AN example?

Starbucks, the popular coffee and tea chain, has a whole lot of options when it comes to drinks, food, and stuff to buy. Their goal is to inspire and energize people — one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. Starbucks wants to be your go-to hangout spot between home and work, serving up some top-notch coffee and creating a sense of community.

Starbucks caters to all kinds of people, whether you're young, old, rich, or poor, living in the city, suburbs, or the middle of nowhere. If you're looking for a good cup of coffee or tea and a place that's friendly and easy to get to, Starbucks is the spot. They've got a pretty loyal following of regulars who are happy to pay a bit extra for some high-quality coffee and who like to hang out, work, or study in the coffee shop. And they're into sharing their coffee experiences on social media, too.

In terms of competition, Starbucks has to compete with Dunkin' Donuts, local coffee shops, and convenience stores. Dunkin' Donuts has a lot of locations, a big menu, and affordable prices, but it's seen as more of a fast-food place and doesn't have the same kind of cozy vibes as Starbucks. Local coffee shops are all about creating a cool atmosphere, using local ingredients, and being a part of the community, but they're more expensive, have a smaller menu, and aren't as widespread. Convenience stores are everywhere, and they're super cheap, but the coffee isn't always great, there's nowhere to sit, and they're not really built for hanging out.

What are the Benefits and Challenges of Effective Positioning?

An effective brand positioning strategy is a powerful tool that can offer a multitude of advantages to companies. When successful, it creates a magnetic pull in the market, drawing in customers and setting a brand apart. Heightened brand visibility and recognition are among the many benefits of effective positioning, enabling customers to easily distinguish a company's unique value in a crowded landscape. Additionally, successful positioning fosters customer loyalty by establishing an emotional connection with the audience, resulting in increased trust and a higher likelihood of repeat purchases. Understanding the importance of market positioning allows companies to charge premium prices for their offerings due to perceived value, leading to improved profitability and a competitive edge.

However, achieving effective positioning is not without risks and potential pitfalls. Misinterpreting the market or failing to accurately assess competitors can result in a mismatch between the intended brand image and consumer perception. Over time, this inconsistency can dilute brand identity and confuse customers, leading to a loss of trust and market share. Moreover, rigid positioning strategies might become outdated in the face of evolving consumer preferences or market trends, necessitating continuous adaptation and potential repositioning efforts, which can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. Lastly, if a brand fails to deliver on the promises made through its positioning, it risks damaging its reputation and credibility among consumers.

What are the Best practices for positioning? 

Knowing how to position your business is important for success. It's not just about knowing your audience and keeping up with market trends but also about having a clear and compelling message that speaks to consumers. Consistency is key in everything from branding to customer experience, and you need to keep an eye on your competitors to stay relevant. And remember, your positioning isn't set in stone - you need to be flexible and adaptable to changing trends and consumer preferences to keep your brand fresh and ahead of the game.

In conclusion, positioning in marketing is all about differentiating your brand from the competition and establishing a unique identity in the minds of your target audience. It's a challenging process that requires careful research, analysis, and a clear understanding of your customers and competitors. However, with effective positioning, businesses can create a strong and memorable brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace, fosters customer loyalty, and drives profitability.

To achieve this, it's crucial to develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals and values. A marketing strategy can help you identify your target audience, define your unique value proposition, and create a compelling message that resonates with your customers. It's an essential tool for any small business looking to establish a strong marketing position and gain a competitive edge.

If you're interested in learning more about how to create a marketing strategy tailored to your business, we recommend downloading our free guide, "Marketing Strategies for Small Business: a step-by-step guide for creating a marketing strategy tailored to your business." This guide will take you through the process of creating a comprehensive marketing strategy at your own pace so you can be in control of the messaging from beginning to end. Download it today and start on your path to marketing success!