key components of a marketing plan

Dec 10, 2023 8:00:00 AM | Marketing Strategy What are the key components of a marketing plan?

Learn how to create a powerful marketing plan with these 8 essential components. From developing your strategy to tracking results, this blog will guide you to marketing success.

Develop a Marketing StrategyMarketing for a small business may seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategy in place, it can be a powerful tool to help grow your business. A solid marketing plan is essential to ensure the success of your business, and in this blog, we’ll walk you through the 8 parts of a marketing plan that are essential for any business to succeed.

Develop Your Strategic Marketing Strategy

The first step to creating a simple marketing plan for small business is to develop your strategic marketing strategy. This involves assessing your business goals, identifying your target audience, and researching your competitors. Your strategic marketing strategy should provide a clear roadmap for your marketing efforts and ensure that all your marketing activities are aligned with your overall business goals.

Identify Gaps in Your Current Marketing

Do you want a good marketing strategy or a great one? By identifying any gaps in your current marketing efforts you can elevate your marketing efforts to great. This may involve analyzing your website, social media, email marketing, and other marketing activities to determine what is working and what is not. Once you have identified any gaps, you can create a plan to address them and improve your marketing efforts.

I suggest following the PESO Model, introduced in Spin Sucks written by Gina Dietrich to make identifying your gaps easy. 

It has been a game-changer for me. So much so that the PESO Model is a section I walk you through in Marketing Strategies for Small Business. 

Address Opportunities in Your Business

Once you have identified any gaps in your marketing, the next step is to address any opportunities in your business. This may involve identifying new products or services that you can offer or finding new ways to reach your target audience. By addressing these opportunities, you can grow your business and increase your profitability.

Identify Where Your Ideal Customer Hangouts

group-laughingTo effectively market your business, you need to know where your ideal customer hangs out. This may involve using social media, attending industry events, or conducting market research to determine where your target audience spends their time. Once you know where your ideal customer hangs out, you can create targeted marketing campaigns to reach them.

Assess and Fine-Tune Your Marketing Strategies

Marketing is an ever-evolving field, and it’s important to assess and fine-tune your marketing strategies on a regular basis. This may involve analyzing your website traffic, social media engagement, email open rates, and other metrics to determine what is working and what is not. By fine-tuning your marketing strategies, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are effective and driving results.

Align Your Ideal Customer Hangouts with Marketing Channels

To effectively reach your target audience, you need to align your ideal customer hangouts with your marketing channels. This may involve using social media, email marketing, or other marketing channels to reach your target audience where they are most active. By aligning your marketing channels with your ideal customer hangouts, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are targeted and effective.

Streamline Your Action Plan Using the Marketing Hourglass

Finally, it’s important to streamline your action plan using the marketing hourglass, introduced by John Jantsch in his book Duct Tape Marketing. This involves creating a clear and concise plan for all your marketing activities, from the initial awareness stage through to a customer becoming a raging fan. By using the marketing hourglass, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are focused and effective, and that you are driving results for your business.

Marketing Hourglass

Track your results

One important aspect of any marketing strategy is tracking the results. As a small business owner, you need to know what is working and what is not. This will help you to make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts and resources. There are several tools and techniques that you can use to track your marketing results, such as website analytics, social media analytics, email marketing metrics, and sales data. By regularly monitoring and analyzing your marketing data, you can gain valuable insights into your target audience, their needs and preferences, and the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

If you're looking to develop a winning marketing plan, it's important to understand the main components of marketing that make it successful. From developing your strategic marketing strategy to aligning your ideal customer hangouts with your marketing channels, there are several steps to take. 

However, the process can be overwhelming, and many companies struggle to the point of detriment. The good news is that every solopreneur and small business has the potential to create an agency-quality marketing strategy without the need for an agency. You know your business better than anyone else, and with a step-by-step guide that allows you to build a marketing strategy and plan at your own pace, you can achieve your goals. That's why we've created the free workbook "Marketing Strategies for Small Business". With this guide, you'll have all the tools and resources you need to create a marketing plan that will help your business succeed and thrive.

Michele Delcoure

Written By: Michele Delcoure

Michele Delcoure, Marketing Manager at CNH Reman, has worn many hats over the year, from Designer to Entrepreneur, from Not-for-profit organizations to Ad Agencies. In the 30+ years of working in marketing and advertising, Michele has learned that compassion for those around you, collaboration across departments, and strategic planning must be at the forefront of any healthy marketing plan. Michele wakes up each day finding new ways to help small businesses and solopreneurs with the message that they can have an agency-quality marketing strategy without an agency. Michele is passionate about art, music, developing others, helping solopreneurs win at marketing, and, most of all, spending quality time with her family. If you are interested in learning more about my art, my company, DIY Marketing Strategies, or just have a general marketing question, send me a DM, and let’s talk.