Finding your target audience

Mar 3, 2024 3:34:08 PM | Target Audience From "A to Z" to Zero Sales: Why Targeting Everyone Means Reaching No One

Feeling overwhelmed by marketing as a small business owner? Don't waste time and money targeting everyone! Learn why understanding your ideal customer is key to success. Get tips and a free download to craft a message that resonates with them.

what is target marketing?

Target marketing is a way to narrow down who your audience is across each of your chosen marketing channels.

As a small business owner, you may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the many aspects of running your business. One of the most important aspects, however, is marketing. Marketing helps you reach your target audience and sell your products or services. To succeed in marketing, it is important to understand the core principles of marketing. Understanding these principles is a great place to begin your journey in marketing as a small business owner.

If you don’t know who your target audience is, then you need to step back and figure it out before you spend any time or money on advertising or marketing to the wrong people. 

What the hell was this marketing expert thinking?

Recently, I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts and heard a marketing strategist discussing target audiences. The conversation went like this: “I was on a call this morning with a prospective client. And I said, ‘So tell me about your target audience.’ And he said, ‘Oh, well, we work with everybody from A to Z. I mean, it’s startups and billion-dollar companies.’ And I was like, ‘Okay, we can’t work together.’”

What the hell?! As a marketing strategist, this really made me pause and wonder what type of strategic agency she has.

Why do businesses think everyone is their target audience?

Why did this happen? Because the potential client misunderstood the concept of a target audience. Your target audience is not everyone. The more you can understand your target audience and whittle that list down to the people who are your ideal customers, the shorter the sales cycle will be. Instead of turning away the potential client, the strategist could have taken the time to educate them on how to have effective marketing. 

Who is your target audience?

So, who is your target market? Who is your ideal customer? It’s not simply anyone who might buy your product or service. And it is not something you can guess at. It’s the person who, if they could choose anyone on the planet to walk in your door tomorrow, would be that person. How do you know how to talk to YOUR ideal customer? It takes research to understand who they are. Ask yourself:

  • What do they look like? 
  • What are their likes and dislikes? 
  • What social channels are they on? 
  • Do they like emails or phone calls? 

Understanding your target audience helps you craft a message that speaks directly to them. For instance, if your ideal customer is a health-conscious, environmentally-aware millennial, your marketing message should reflect those values. If your ideal customer is a busy executive who values efficiency, your marketing message should reflect that. 

To help you figure out how to talk to your ideal customer, I’ve created a free workbook download called Finding the Voice of the Customer. This workbook will walk you step-by-step to find the voice you should use with your ideal customer. 

In conclusion, marketing for small businesses is all about understanding the core principles of marketing. Knowing your target audience and crafting a message that speaks directly to them is key to effective marketing. Take the time to figure out who your ideal customer is and hone your message accordingly. And if you need help along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Unlock your inner marketing guru with a

$350 step-by-step course on marketing strategy and planning, designed for small business owners like you.

Michele Delcoure

Written By: Michele Delcoure

Michele Delcoure, Marketing Manager at CNH Reman, has worn many hats over the year, from Designer to Entrepreneur, from Not-for-profit organizations to Ad Agencies. In the 30+ years of working in marketing and advertising, Michele has learned that compassion for those around you, collaboration across departments, and strategic planning must be at the forefront of any healthy marketing plan. Michele wakes up each day finding new ways to help small businesses and solopreneurs with the message that they can have an agency-quality marketing strategy without an agency. Michele is passionate about art, music, developing others, helping solopreneurs win at marketing, and, most of all, spending quality time with her family. If you are interested in learning more about my art, my company, DIY Marketing Strategies, or just have a general marketing question, send me a DM, and let’s talk.