elements of a value proposition

Dec 10, 2023 8:00:00 AM | what are the elements of a value proposition?

Address your customers' problems, be their solution, and make them the hero of their own story by crafting a compelling value proposition that resonates.

Are you wondering how to stand out in a market overflowing with choices? When developing marketing for a small business, it all comes down to the promise you make to your customers. Think of it like a compass, pointing you in the direction of the perfect solution for your specific needs. A great value proposition statement should address your customer's problem, explain why you are the solution, and show how they can become the hero of their own story. This goes straight to the heart of understanding the core principles of marketing in business, and with a strong value proposition, your brand will truly shine.

Elements of a Value Prop


Who is your ideal target market?

Understanding the core principles of marketing in a business requires first understanding your audience. This means establishing a target market strategy - seeing the world through their eyes, comprehending their challenges, and recognizing their aspirations. You must empathize with their struggles and desires.

Identifying the Problem Your Audience Faces

In every individual or business lies the potential for growth and improvement. By identifying pain points, challenges, or unmet needs, you can unlock the doors to success. Your target market may be struggling with inefficiencies, seeking cost-effective solutions, or striving for greater productivity. Pinpointing these issues is the first step to creating a compelling value proposition that can help you achieve your goals.

Why You’re the Solution

Your product or service is not just a simple offering; it serves as a solution to your customers' problems. Its purpose is to alleviate their pain points, offer greater efficiencies, and enhance their lives. However, it is important to note that solving their problem does not make your product or service the hero. Rather, it acts as a catalyst that empowers your target audience to be the hero of their own story.

Making Them the Hero of Their World

Empowerment lies at the core of a compelling value proposition. It’s not about flaunting your features but how those features translate into benefits that transform your audience’s world. You’re not just selling a product; you’re enabling them to achieve their goals, conquer challenges, and emerge victorious.

Building Your Value Proposition


Step 1: Defined Target Market

Take the time to research and understand your target market fully. This is the first step in any part of your marketing strategy. 

Step 2: Problems and Buying Decision Drivers

Your audience grapples with different challenges. You should understand these challenges and their buying decisions to craft a message focusing on how you are the solution.

Step 3: Features, Benefits, and Value Delivered

Evaluate how your product or service offers features that translate into customer benefits, thereby delivering a value that differentiates you from your competition.

Step 4: Connecting Features, Benefits, and Values to Audience Problems

Align your features, benefits, and values to directly address as many of the problems or buying decisions as you can, ensuring a seamless solution that caters to their needs.

Step 5: Crafting Your Value Proposition and Tagline

Writing your value proposition is as simple as filling in the blanks. __(Ideal Customer)__ struggle(s) with ___(customers top problem)__. __(Your company, product, or service) __(the value you bring to the customer)___, helping __(Ideal Customer)__    __(what makes them the hero)___.

This statement can be rewritten in several ways to fit various mediums. Finally, shorten it into a tagline that provides an easy answer to "What do you do?"

Value Proposition Example

Solopreneurs often face difficulties in investing enough time and money to create a marketing strategy that establishes an effective brand identity. The DIY Marketing Strategies workbook, Marketing Strategies for Small Business, offers a self-paced framework to help solopreneurs build a robust marketing strategy for their brand identity, thus enabling them to future-proof their business.

My tagline boils down to “Get an agency-quality marketing strategy without an agency.”

To sum up, a compelling value proposition is not merely a combination of words, but a promise, a commitment to enriching the lives of your audience. It involves resonating with their needs, providing solutions, and ultimately making them the hero of their journey. It is important to note that regardless of the type of value proposition you craft, a strong value proposition is not static, but rather evolves with your audience, ensuring that you remain their guiding light in the ever-changing market landscape.

If you're ready to develop your value proposition, download "Marketing Strategies for Small Business" for a step-by-step marketing strategy. You can work at your own pace to create a marketing plan and build a strong brand identity for your business.

Michele Delcoure

Written By: Michele Delcoure

Michele Delcoure, Marketing Manager at CNH Reman, has worn many hats over the year, from Designer to Entrepreneur, from Not-for-profit organizations to Ad Agencies. In the 30+ years of working in marketing and advertising, Michele has learned that compassion for those around you, collaboration across departments, and strategic planning must be at the forefront of any healthy marketing plan. Michele wakes up each day finding new ways to help small businesses and solopreneurs with the message that they can have an agency-quality marketing strategy without an agency. Michele is passionate about art, music, developing others, helping solopreneurs win at marketing, and, most of all, spending quality time with her family. If you are interested in learning more about my art, my company, DIY Marketing Strategies, or just have a general marketing question, send me a DM, and let’s talk.