Psychographic Targeting

Mar 13, 2024 7:48:00 PM | Target Audience The Importance of Psychographic Targeting in Marketing

Want to improve your marketing strategy? Try psychographic targeting. By personalizing your messaging to your audience's preferences, you can create a more effective campaign.

What is Psychographic Targeting?

Psychographic targeting uses a person's likes, interests, and personality traits in order to create a more personalized marketing message.

In the blog, What Are the Types of Target Audience? I outlined the four types of target audiences you can use in marketing: Demographic targeting, psychographic targeting, behavioral targeting, and geographic targeting. Marketing your small business can seem overwhelming at times, but understanding the core principles of marketing will make it easier. 

So, let's dive deeper into the power of psychographic targeting in your marketing strategy. You see, marketing is all about getting the right message to the right audience, and psychographic targeting can help you do just that.

Why use Demographic Targeting?

Let's start by thinking about demographic targeting. This is where you target people based on things like age, gender, income, and so on. While this can be effective to a certain extent, it doesn't really tell you much about a person's likes, interests, and personality traits. And that's where psychographic targeting comes in. Hold onto your shorts...this is exciting.

What is an example of Psychographic Targeting?

By understanding your target market's psychographic profile, you can create marketing campaigns that really resonate with them. For example, if you sell fitness equipment, you might want to target people who are interested in health and wellness. By doing this, you can create marketing conversations that speak directly to their desires and needs, and that ultimately drive conversions.

One company that's really nailed psychographic targeting is Peloton. They've created a brand that's all about immersive, engaging workouts and built a community around their product. This appeals to people who are looking for a workout experience that's not just physical but also social and emotional. By understanding these psychographic factors, Peloton has been able to build a loyal customer base that's passionate about their product.

How to use Psychographic Targeting in Marketing?

So, how do you use psychographic targeting in your marketing? One way is to segment your email list or social media followers based on their interests and preferences. This allows you to create content tailored to their specific needs, which ultimately drives engagement and conversions.

Overall, psychographic targeting is a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal. By fully understanding your audience, you can create messaging that really resonates with them and ultimately drives results for your business. So, if you haven't already, I highly recommend giving it a try!

Michele Delcoure

Written By: Michele Delcoure

Michele Delcoure, Marketing Manager at CNH Reman, has worn many hats over the year, from Designer to Entrepreneur, from Not-for-profit organizations to Ad Agencies. In the 30+ years of working in marketing and advertising, Michele has learned that compassion for those around you, collaboration across departments, and strategic planning must be at the forefront of any healthy marketing plan. Michele wakes up each day finding new ways to help small businesses and solopreneurs with the message that they can have an agency-quality marketing strategy without an agency. Michele is passionate about art, music, developing others, helping solopreneurs win at marketing, and, most of all, spending quality time with her family. If you are interested in learning more about my art, my company, DIY Marketing Strategies, or just have a general marketing question, send me a DM, and let’s talk.